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575 lines
;ProfiPacket - packet radio terminal program
;Copyright (C) 1999 Alexander Feigl
;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;(at your option) any later version.
;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;GNU General Public License for more details.
;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
;Alexander Feigl
;Burachstraße 51
;D-88250 Weingarten
;EMail : Alexander.Feigl@gmx.de
(procedure P_CopyServers
(set i 0)
(set PatternStr "(%")
(while (set ServerName (select i
(( IF (IN InstallServers i)
(SET PatternStr (CAT PatternStr "|" ServerName PatternSuffix))
(delete (tackon PatternPath (cat ServerName PatternSuffix)))
(set i (+ i 1))
(SET PatternStr (CAT PatternStr ")"))
(Source PatternSource)
(DEST PatternPath)
(PATTERN PatternStr)
(procedure P_CopyCatalogs
(set CatalogSource (tackon (tackon "Profi_Packet/Catalogs" CatalogLanguage) "ProfiPacket"))
(set CatalogDestT (tackon CatalogDir CatalogLanguage) )
(NOT (EXISTS (CatalogDestT)))
(MAKEDIR (CatalogDestT))
(set CatalogDest (tackon CatalogDestT "ProfiPacket") )
(NOT (EXISTS (CatalogDest)))
(MAKEDIR (CatalogDest))
(Source CatalogSource)
(DEST CatalogDest)
(PATTERN "ProfiPacket#?")
(set PatternSuffix ".catalog")
(set PatternPath CatalogDest)
(set PatternSource CatalogSource)
;---------------------------Main procedure-----------------------
(Complete 0)
(SET #muidir (getassign "MUI") )
(IF (= #muidir "")
(SET #muiverrev (getversion "libs:muimaster.library"))
(SET #muiverrev (getversion "mui:libs/muimaster.library"))
(SET #muiver (/ #muiverrev 65536))
(SET #muirev (- #muiverrev (* #muiver 65536) ) )
(IF (< 19 #muiver)
(abort "MUI V3.8 must be installed on your system!")
(message "WARNING ! / WARNUNG !\n\n"
"This version of ProfiPacket is not the final release! "
"Many things may not work as intended, many other don't "
"work at all. Docs are not yet available in English! "
"You have been warned!\n\n"
"Diese Version von ProfiPacket ist nicht die endgültige "
"Version! Einige Funktionen könnnen noch nicht so "
"funktionieren wie beabsichtigt, einige funktionieren "
"überhaupt noch nicht. Die Programmbeschreibung ist "
"unvollständig. Sie wurden gewarnt!"
(SET InstallPath
(PROMPT "Please select directory to install the program. A new drawer "
"called ProfiPacket will be installed at this location.")
(HELP "You have to select where to install the programs on your "
(DEFAULT "sys:")
(SET InstallLanguages
(PROMPT "Please select the catalog files of the languages you want to "
(HELP "Workbench 2.1 supports localization of programmes to your "
"native language. You can select these languages ProfiPacket "
"should support. (n/a) means that this language is not yet "
"supported in ProfiPacket but ProfiPacket is prepared to "
"support this language due to a translation request.")
(CHOICES "German" "French" "Dutch (incomplete)" "Polski (incomplete)" "Norwegian"
"Czech (n/a)" "Spain (n/a)" )
(DEFAULT 65535)
(SET InstallServers
(PROMPT "Please select servers you want to install. Install all default "
"servers if possible, otherwise some functions of the programme "
"cannot be used.")
(HELP "ProfiPacket need servers to handle with inputs and outputs of "
"Packet Radio. You can write your own server to implement functions "
"which are not yet implemented, but you should install all servers "
"which are already checked because these are basic functions of the "
"programme. If you want to install additional features, so you can "
"check the unchecked servers too.")
(SET @default-dest (TACKON InstallPath ""))
(SET InstallDir (TACKON InstallPath "ProfiPacket") )
(SET ServerDir (TACKON InstallDir "Servers") )
(SET GlobalDir (TACKON InstallDir "GLOBAL") )
(SET TNCInitDir (TACKON InstallDir "Text/TNC_Init") )
(SET SaveDir (TACKON InstallDir "Save") )
(SET UserDir (TACKON InstallDir "User") )
(SET DataDir (TACKON InstallDir "Data") )
(SET TextDir (TACKON InstallDir "Text") )
(Set FontDir (TACKON InstallDir "Data/PCFont") )
(Set CatalogDirV023 (TACKON InstallDir "Data/Catalogs") )
(Set CatalogDir (TACKON InstallDir "Catalogs") )
(Set HelpDir (TACKON InstallDir "Text/Help") )
(Set BBSDir (TACKON InstallDir "Data/BBS") )
(Set BBSResumeDir (TACKON InstallDir "Data/BBS/Resume") )
(Set DocsDir (TACKON InstallDir "Docs") )
(Set ContribDir (TACKON InstallDir "Contrib") )
(Complete 5)
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (InstallDir)))
(MAKEDIR (InstallDir) (INFOS) )
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (DocsDir)))
(MAKEDIR (DocsDir) (INFOS) )
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (SaveDir)))
(MAKEDIR (SaveDir))
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (UserDir)))
(MAKEDIR (UserDir))
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (DataDir)))
(MAKEDIR (DataDir))
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (BBSResumeDir)))
(MAKEDIR (BBSResumeDir))
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (TextDir)))
(MAKEDIR (TextDir))
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (CatalogDir)))
(MAKEDIR (CatalogDir))
(IF (EXISTS (CatalogDirV023) )
(DELETE (TACKON CatalogDirV023 "Deutsch/ProfiPacket.catalog"))
(DELETE (TACKON CatalogDirV023 "English/ProfiPacket.catalog"))
(DELETE (TACKON CatalogDirV023 "Deutsch"))
(DELETE (TACKON CatalogDirV023 "English"))
(DELETE (CatalogDirV023) )
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (HelpDir)))
(MAKEDIR (HelpDir))
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_EN#?")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Docs")
(DEST DocsDir)
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (ContribDir)))
(MAKEDIR (ContribDir))
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (ServerDir)))
(MAKEDIR (ServerDir))
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Contrib")
(DEST ContribDir)
(Complete 30)
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/TNC_Inits")
(Complete 35)
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (GlobalDir)))
(MAKEDIR (GlobalDir))
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/GLOBAL")
(DEST GlobalDir)
(Complete 40)
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/")
(DEST InstallDir)
(PATTERN "(%|ProfiPacket|ProfiPacket.info)")
(COmplete 65)
(IF (NOT (EXISTS (FontDir))) (
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/PCFont")
(DEST FontDir)
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/")
(DEST DataDir)
(PATTERN "PCFont.font")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Servers")
(DEST ServerDir)
(PATTERN "Connect.Server")
(Complete 70)
(set PatternSuffix ".Server")
(set PatternPath ServerDir)
(set PatternSource "Profi_Packet/Servers")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 0)
(set CatalogLanguage "deutsch")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_DEU#?")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 1)
(set CatalogLanguage "français")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_FRA#?")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 2)
(set CatalogLanguage "nederlands")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_NLD#?")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 3)
(set CatalogLanguage "polski")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_PL#?")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 4)
(set CatalogLanguage "norsk")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_NOR#?")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 5)
(set CatalogLanguage "czech")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_CZ#?")
(if (IN InstallLanguages 6)
(set CatalogLanguage "español")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_E_#?")
(SOURCE "Profi_Packet/Help")
(DEST HelpDir)
(PATTERN "#?_H_E")
(Complete 85)
(Working ("Converting user database\n&\nRepairing any damages"))
(RUN (CAT "Profi_Packet/Contrib/ConvertUsers "
(TACKON DataDir "users.dat" ) ))
(SET Retcode (run (CAT "Profi_Packet/Contrib/MailGetVersion "
(TACKON DataDir "bbs" ))))
(if (= Retcode 0)
"The mailbox index has to be converted from version 0 "
"to version 1. Following features cannot be converted:\n\n"
"- mailbox forwarding queue")
(Working ("Converting bbs index version 0 to 1"))
(RUN (CAT "Profi_Packet/Contrib/MailConvert0to1 "
(TACKON DataDir "bbs")))
(complete 100)